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Books: Success One Day At A Time

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Success One Day At A Time

by John C. Maxwell

“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” —John C. Maxwell


This book is a quick and short read with 95 pages in an almost pocket sized format. It provides you with an overview of the simple truths about success.

John Maxwell summarizes the truth about success as follows:

  • You are what you do daily
  • You first form your habits; then your habits form you
  • It is just as easy to form habits of success as it is to form habits of failure

“It is just as easy to form habits of success as it is to form habits of failure.”

Think about that for a minute.

In this book, leadership expert John C. Maxwell introduces us to his seven steps to success:

  1. Make a commitment to grow daily.
  2. Value the process more than the events.
  3. Don’t wait for inspiration.
  4. Be willing to sacrifice pleasure for opportunity.
  5. Dream big.
  6. Plan your priorities.
  7. Give up to go up.

The book is broken up into three sections: I. Dream II. Persevere III. Grow

Our experience with the book is that it’s great mind training in a quick, easy to read format.

Below are a few of my takeaways.

The Key To Success

When I first read this, it changed my life forever. John Maxwell explains that “success” is something that people often make the mistake of “searching” for. They think of it as the Holy Grail, something to be conquered, a certain amount of money to obtain, or a relationship to be won. Other people consider “success” to be a position to be earned or an object to acquire and own. Do any of those sound like similar definitions of success to you?

In reality, success is none of those things, it is not a destination to be reached. Rather, it is a process, a habit—an overall experience of life based on individual decisions and you do it each day.

According to John, success is knowing your purpose in life, sowing seeds that benefit others, and growing your maximum potential. Instead of focusing on what you have not accomplished or don’t have, count your successes and build upon that. If you are a success today, you will be a success tomorrow.